Friday, November 22, 2013


Hello everyone! Monsterpiece back again, this time I am talking about age, old vs. youth. I am turning 26 in December and the older I get the more I come to realize that, I want to be older because my 20s are tough and I am not feeling like I should feel. There is so much I have experience and seen, and things just aren't the same, plus, I know in my 40s I will be GREAT! 

I snatch these quotes from and hopefully you can agree with most of them. I couldn't juts settle on one, these were all by far my favorites. If you are like me, who believe older is better, you will probably love all of these too. ENJOY!

“The good thing about being old is not being young.”
Stephen Richards

“At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.”
Salvador Dalí


“I don't believe in aging. I believe in forever altering one's aspect to the sun. ”
Virginia Woolf

“You get old and you realize there are no answers, just stories.”
Garrison Keillor, Pontoon: A Novel of Lake Wobegon

“At 50, everyone has the face he deserves.”
George Orwell

 “It's paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn't appeal to anyone.”
Andy Rooney


“Age isn't how old you are but how old you feel.”
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez, Memories of My Melancholy Whores


“By the time you're thirty, your worst enemy is yourself.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Choke


“Sometimes I get depressed about my age. In March I’ll be 26. If man weren’t measured in numbers, but rather letters, I’d be turning Z. And then I’d be dead.”
Jarod Kintz, I Should Have Renamed This


“Old age ain't no place for sissies.”
Bette Davis


“I'm gonna enjoy being old I think I'll be awesome at it.”
Craig Ferguson


“It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. The
reverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides.”
George Sand


“The error of youth is to believe that intelligence is a substitute for experience, while the error of age is to believe experience is a substitute for intelligence.”
Lyman Bryson


“I believe that maturity is not an outgrowing, but a growing up: that an adult is not a dead child, but a child who survived. I believe that all the best faculties of a mature human being exist in the child. . . . that one of the most deeply human, and humane, of these faculties is the power of imagination.”
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction


“You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.”
Michael Pritchard


“Old people really do have a secret though. You wanna know what it is? Luck.”
Craig Ferguson




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