Tuesday, November 26, 2013


The Holidays are approaching and I am happy to say that I am looking forward to 2014, but only because I have a master plan or should I say, MONSTER plan.
Monsterpiece is here and I want to talk a little about the celebration of Thanksgiving. When I was a kid, I was told that the Pilgrims came on the Mayflower and created this entire feast and celebration, they sat together with the Native Americans, sitting side by side, and giving thanks for the hospitality that the Native Americans offer to these strangers who came to this strange land, that we call today America. Pilgrims and Native Americans thanked God for new friends and opportunity. Let’s be VERY honest, what is Thanksgiving?  Well, later on in my life, I was then taught by the history books, that it is a celebration of the intention to slaughter an entire race and of a nearly abolished culture. I am thankful to know that I can voice this opinion. My question too many is, can you agree with the reality?
I am not against Thanksgiving, but throughout the years, Thanksgiving has become a sort of propaganda in consumerism, and with that being said, it stimulates other thoughts in our mind. We think about family and we think about what we are thankful for, we think about how we can come together as a family and we prepare ourselves for Christmas and the New Year. It is the coming together and the joy of seeing family we have not spoken to or family we have dislike, and far, far, far in our minds we even thought of slaughtering at some point too. Still, it’s the arrival of aunts, uncles and cousins, brothers, sisters, and grandparents that we have not seen since the whole year or in months. Thanksgiving is the food, the laughs and the appreciation of all those things we have that we don’t take for granted very much, family.
In my family, we celebrate Thanksgiving by dancing, partying, we celebrate it with lots of food and noise. I am Dominican and Thanksgiving is something that’s not part of my culture, but it is part of where I have been raised and where I was brought up in. Although Thanksgiving is something extremely different from what the history books lay it out to be, it is still something we cherish as Americans and citizens of this country. When we put a side all the past and the history of the holiday, there is something special about this day. But the truth is the truth of this holiday, and how it came about, how we have revolutionized it and how it has evolved throughout the years to mean something so much more, leading up to the end of the year and to another chapter in our lives. Let’s agree that ALL things have a past, a history. The truth is that although we know what Thanksgiving is all about, we still celebrate it because we love our families and we love coming together to celebrate and catch up and laugh, eat and sometimes dance, and that after the holiday is over, we will go back to wanting to kill each other. You see, just like the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, let’s pretend as though we are this one big happy family, for once, until the end of the year.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING everybody!!!

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